Key Achievements

ERGO aimed to improve the hazard assessment of EDCs for the protection of human health and the environment. The project partners wanted to break down the wall that existed between the different research fields that investigate effects of EDCs in different vertebrate classes and the different data used for regulation of EDCs for human health and the environment. ERGO used the well-conserved thyroid hormone system to demonstrate that it’s feasible to extrapolate effects of EDCs across the vertebrate classes and it tackled some of the gaps in existing standardised test methods used for screening and testing of EDCs according to different EU legislations.

ERGO’s Key Achievements:

Investigating, developing, and pre-validating biomarkers and endpoints for thyroid hormone system disruption (THSD) in fish and bringing them into validation in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Investigating and developing new endpoints for THSD in amphibians.

Investigating and developing new in vitro assays for thyroid hormone system activity of chemicals and preparing them for OECD validation.

Investigating effects and new endpoints of thyroid hormone system disrupting chemicals in mammals.

Developing Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs) to the level of OECD endorsement assupporting tools for the endpoints/biomarker development in fish.

Development of AOP networks to facilitate extrapolation of thyroid hormone system disrupting effects across mammals, fish, and amphibians.

Interacting with stakeholders at the global (OECD), European (EC, EFSA, ECHA and national (environmental protection agencies (EPAs)) levels to discuss and promote the better use of data between human health and environmental health assessment of EDCs.

More than 55 peer-reviewed scientific publications and endorsed AOPs.

Diminishing the gap between approaches to endocrine disruptor research of human health toxicologists and environmental toxicologists through collaboration with fellow EURION Cluster projects on topics like THSD and developmental neurotoxicity.

Key Exploitable Results

Here we present ERGO’s innovative and impactful Key Exploitable Results (KERs) that have been developed throughout the project. Each result includes information on the research, target and end users, applications, impacts and the knowledge owner contact.
Select a KER to find out more information on each one. 


Transferring ERGO Results to their Users

The KERs from ERGO are grouped into five clusters for optimal transfer to their Target and End Users:

Science to Science (eco)toxicology:


Science to Regulators and Policymakers:


Science to Industry:


Science to Environmental Science:


Science to Funding Bodies:


Interview with ERGO Coordinator Henrik Holbech

What are endocrine disruptors? How do they affect our thyroid function and what does that mean for human and environmental health? Those questions and more are answered in this interview with the ERGO Project Coordinator Henrik Holbech, who is based at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Odense, Denmark.


EU Innovation Radar

The Innovation Radar is a European Commission initiative to identify high potential innovations and innovators in EU-funded research and innovation projects. Our goal is to allow every citizen, public official, professional and business person to discover the outputs of EU innovation funding and give them a chance to seek out innovators who could follow in the footsteps of companies such as Skype, TomTom, ARM Holdings, all of whom received EU funding in their early days.

ERGO researchers from University of Antwerp, University of Southern Denmark and University of Heidelberg have been recognised by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar as Key Innovators for their work on the development & prevalidation of novel endpoints sensitive to chemicals that interfere with the thyroid hormone system in zebrafish. These fish endpoints are currently under formal validation at the OECD, and are being taken forward in the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC) in the development of an integrated approach for assessing thyroid hormone system disruption in fish, with expected implementation in different European legislations in the near future!

Access ERGO’s results on the EU Innovation Radar


Horizon Results Platform

In September 2019, the European Commission launched the Horizon Results Platform (HRP). All key results from ERGO will feature there. Filter your search by adding the project acronym ‘ERGO’ and the full list will appear.

Access the Horizon Results Platform