EURION engage with stakeholders for the development of endocrine disruptor test methods

10 Dec 2020

In autumn 2020, the EURION cluster carried out an initial consultation and review of stakeholders’ interests, needs and priorities in relation to the development of endocrine disruptor (ED) test methods. Stakeholders were invited to contribute their opinion on what criteria should be considered the most important for the development of these test methods to inform EURION, and ultimately inform the development of new tests that are urgently needed for hazard assessment of EDs in Europe.

The results of this consultation will be presented and discussed at the ‘EURION Cluster: Virtual Stakeholder Workshop’ on 11 December 2020. The workshop will gather representatives from research, regulatory authorities, industry, civil society and contract research organisations, policymakers as well as other experts working in the field of EDs. During the workshop, stakeholder views, needs and expectations related to EDC test method development, international strategies and guidelines will be presented and discussed.

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